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Review by L.on September 5, 2010
This collection of poetry is filled with poems that reveal Joyce White's secret, innermost feelings. 
She finds that writing poetry is an outstanding way of focusing on visual art of the masters. White 
states that "[e]kphrastic poetry...makes an excellent conversation between two pieces of art." In her 
foreword to the collection, White thanks Picasso, Chagall, and all the other artists whose work she 
tries to match with her own paintings and poetry. Referring to the writing of poetry as a means by 
which to confront past circumstances as a form of poem therapy, White makes the reader aware
of the close connection that there is between different art forms.

What is `ekphrastic' poetry? Not a term with which I was familiar at first glance, I must admit, but,
according to Word4Word poets ([...]), meaning "a poet's response to the direct stimuli of a piece of 
art combined with the poet's own experience in the moment. The Ekphrastic poem can be a description
of the artwork, a story that came into the poet's mind while looking at the artwork, or a poem describing 
the scene or experience in which the artwork is placed, or a combination of all of the above." Much as I 
feel about my book reviews, White writes "[t]here is no such thing as writer's block when we use others 
ideas to inspire us." Her poems in this book have been composed in response to a number of different 
artworks, which are reproduced in full pages of black and white in this volume. Such artworks include 
Renoir's By the Seashore, Picasso's Les Demoiselles, Rafael's Angels, Picasso's Girl in Mirror, and 
Botticelli's The Birth of Venus. She also includes the photograph of a collage which she has created 
from the work of Chagall.

The ability to respond to nature is of key importance to the creation of all forms of art, White finds. 
White highlights the needs of poets, which she links closely to journaling, in that both forms of 
expression allow one to capture fleeting thoughts and emotions. Her approach is summed up in her 
poem `Our Inner Poet': "When art comes to consciousness, / whether it be Haiku, epic or free verse, 
if it looks and sounds like a poem, it is a poem. "

White's poems, which are all in free verse, should appeal to all those who are responsive to both the 
visual and written forms of artistic expression. Inspirational and accessible, her poems should uplift 
your spirit and might even encourage you to start on your own personal exploration of the creative 
potential within you.

                  Get Free Poetry Ebooks, 

              Love, Rhyme & Reason, 

                       Sculpting the Heart's Poetry, 

                                Surviving Depression, 

                                           and Love, Marriage and Sex.

                                                        All designed by Author, Joyce White



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Sculpting the Heart Reviews Follow Biography I was raised on the Mississippi River and spent much of my time alone. I used the new television Pop's bought for comfort, friendship and learning about the outside world. I worked as a legal typist most of my adult life until my hands refused to work for me. Depression is just not sadness. The constant Stress wears at our muscles until we cannot type, walk or dance. I learned to use my imagination when I want to do the impossible. My inner child waltzes through poetry, runs like the wind, and keeps me sane in a world gone mad. Writing and making art put me in touch with my inner artist who was choking to create a new me, a happy, self-achieving me. I've been slowly and quietly growing and changing into the person I've always wanted to be, a writer, a poet and an authority on surviving depression with Art Therapy.