Welcome to my Writer's & Reader's Web. I am a poet, author, and winged for promoting articles that inspire & authors I admire. Joyce Review: Joyce White has wonderful insight into the essential core of the human spirit. In her latest work, Love, Rhyme & Reason, starting from her summation, “It is the lack of love and self-love that causes so much ruckus in the world”, she moves on to explore the true nature of friendship, quoting from such doyennes of the human character. It is all too often that we tend to counter aggression with aggression—we are determined that nobody is going to get the better of us, but White’s way is all the tenderer in contrast. She encourages us to foster an inner sense of peace and harmony that radiates gently out towards others. Her good intentions resonate throughout Love, Rhyme & Reason, encouraging us to be mindful of our own inner sense of self-awareness, so that we can reach out in tenderness and compassion to those ...